Actively track stale and out-of-date content with QNTM Connect


The theme today is all about automating internal notifications to alert teams around web content that may be time sensitive…

This particular automation is relatively simple, but a highly effective one, particularly if you’re managing a website or in the field of MOPS and have multiple teams posting content to your site.

Outdated or stale content can mislead users and tarnish a brand’s credibility and keeping on top of content that was published some time ago (maybe even by another department) can be a challenge. With Ibexa DXP there is already the out-of-the-box capability to schedule content that enables the automatic publish and unpublishing of content according to your own pre-defined schedule…  

But let’s be honest… sometimes you may forget to schedule ‘screentime’ for a piece of content, or maybe a different department has published something and forgotten to define the time period the content should be available for. This is often the practical reality that happens occasionally whether it be a job posting by HR,  a limited offer from the sales team on a product or even a blog entry that, for whatever reason, you only want to display on the site for a limited period

Luckily, QNTM Connect offers a powerful solution to ensure that time-sensitive content does not ‘fall between the cracks’ and ensures t that your website’s content remains up-to-date and relevant. In this blog post we’ll take a look at how QNTM Connect can be your companion keeping a watchful eye over content published on your site, and in this example, we’ll focus on Job postings, a common element on many websites that is often created by the HR team.  

A quick overview of QNTM Connect

QNTM Connect (formally Ibexa Connect) is an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solution designed to automate complex business processes and integrate various applications effortlessly. It features a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create automated workflows without extensive coding knowledge.

By integrating with over 1,300 apps, including CRM systems, ERPs, marketing tools, and AI Tools such as ChatGPT, QNTM Connect enables businesses to streamline operations and enhance digital experience

The Challenge of Content Lifecycle Management

While creating content is straightforward, managing its lifecycle is a more complex task. Content that remains untouched for extended periods can become outdated and irrelevant. This is especially true for time-sensitive information, such as job advertisements. Keeping such content updated manually can be time-consuming and prone to oversight.

Practical Application: Ibexa DXP x QNTM Connect x Slack

Using QNTM Connect, the system automatically scans for job ads that have not been updated recently. This can be achieved with a simple two step scenario:

  1. Load the content items from Ibexa DXP. You can use the features in the repository to filter by content time and modification time to match your specifications for.
  2. Pass the results to the Slack module. This is configured to send a message to specified channel using a template that includes the notification text and a direct link to the back office for review.

The video below shows this scenario in action. We’ve used Slack as the basis for this scenario but the same principle applies for Microsoft teams: 


Benefits for Content Management

Implementing QNTM Connect for content review offers several advantages:

Automated Monitoring: By automating the review process, you ensure that no outdated content slips through the cracks. This continuous monitoring helps maintain the accuracy and relevance of your website.

Efficient Communication: Automated notifications via Slack streamline communication within your web team. This ensures that necessary updates are promptly addressed without manual oversight.

Improved User Experience: Keeping content up-to-date enhances the user experience, ensuring that visitors receive accurate and current information. This is particularly important for time-sensitive sections like job ads.

Streamlined Workflow: The integration of QNTM Connect into your content management workflow reduces the manual effort required for content reviews. This allows your team to focus on more strategic tasks rather than routine maintenance.

Integrating QNTM Connect into your content management strategy can significantly streamline your workflows and ensure that your website always presents the most current and relevant information to your visitors.

Going Further with QNTM Connect

The scenario outlined above is just one of many that can be automated with QNTM Connect. with over 1300+ App connectors available, there are no llimits to the level of automation you can achieve with little to no code. Wheather it is a simple sync between Ibexa and your favourite email marketing tool of something more complex with integrations to multiple systems at the same time, QNTM Connect has you covered.



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