B2B Digital Sales - key facts and figures

Today's blog post is an infographic to complement our new eBook on How B2B Companies Can Diversify Their Sales Channels (which you can download by clicking the button on the banner at the bottom of this post). 

We see there are three main digital options:  

  • Direct Digital Commerce
  • The B2B Marketplace
  • Digital Commerce 

The infographic gives you an at-a-glance holistic view of why B2B companies should, if they are not already, be advancing their digital transformation when it comes to sales. With more millennials in the workplace, massive changes to how we work since the Covid Pandemic was thrust upon us and how business people have high expectations of how we transact business digitally today, there is no going back...digital is the way forward. 



1. Mapping the European B2B Marketplace Landscape (The 2020 Edition) Julia Morrongiello https://medium.com/point-nine-news/mapping-the-european-b2b-marketplace-landscape-the-2020-edition-48d72cb33d88

2. Gartner: Create Enterprise Marketplaces to Accelerate Digital Business Refreshed 7 January 2021, Published 5 July 2019 by Sandy Shen, Jason Daigler

3. Gartner: Balance Marketplaces and Direct Channels for Digital Commerce Growth and Customer Engagement Refreshed 3 July 2020, by Sandy Shen, Jason Daigler

4. Gartner: Balance Marketplaces and Direct Channels for Digital Commerce Growth and Customer Engagement Refreshed 3 July 2020, by Sandy Shen, Jason Daigler

5. Gartner: Create Effective Messaging by Separating Internal and External Digitization as a Tech CEO. Published 13 August 2020, by Rene Buest, Chrissy Healey

6. Gartner’s Digital Business Survey, 2019

7. Gartner: Survey Analysis: 9 Key Trends in Digital Commerce Adoption Published 23 September 2020 by Mike Lowndes

8. Gartner: Leverage B2B Digital Commerce for Cost Optimization, Improved CX and Revenue Growth Published 6 July 2020 by Jason Daigler

9. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/these-eight-charts-show-how-covid-19-has-changed-b2b-sales-forever

10. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/these-eight-charts-show-how-covid-19-has-changed-b2b-sales-forever

11. https://www.rolandberger.com/en/Insights/Publications/B2B-Marketplaces-are-blossoming.html

12. https://communications.on24.com/rs/848-AHN-047/images/DGR_DG096_SURV_ContentPref_March_2019.pdf

13. Survey: US B2B decision-maker response to COVID-19 crisis October 20, 2020 https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/survey-us-b2b-decision-maker-response-to-covid-19-crisis

14. https://www.marketingcharts.com/industries/business-to-business-112981

Covid has been a moment of truth for B2B. Lanching digital channels is the way forward.

How B2B Companies Can Diversify Their Digital Sales Channels

Are you concerned about losing your current strong sales relationships if you move to digital, and how do you position yourself within the complex dynamic between the products that you sell and the digital channels that best serve your purpose: to sell more?

This eBook addresses how B2B businesses can evaluate their options, and to focus minds on the implications of diversifying their digital sales channels. 

Download eBook
How B2B Companies Can Diversify Their Digital Sales Channels

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