Inforca named Ibexa Partner of the Month for March

Inforca named Ibexa Partner of the Month for March

The Monaco-based technology company Inforca has big plans for the future and recently opened bureaux in “neighbouring” Marseilles and Aix-en-Provence, as well as in Paris.

“Of course, we got projects outside the Principality, but we managed these from our base in Monaco,” says Yohann Monnier, CTO of Inforca’s digital agency. “The new agencies bring us closer to many of our clients and expand our resources to support an ambitious growth strategy.

“We want to create a lot more business in France of course, but also abroad, particularly in Spain. Our partnership with Ibexa and our deep expertise in its Digital Experience Platform (DXP) are core to this effort. This is why we have been stepping up our engagement with Ibexa.

“We attended the recent Ibexa Global Partner Conference in Mallorca and last year, we had a stand with Ibexa at the E-Marketing fair in Paris. We shall shortly be co-hosting a webinar. We are getting more developers certified in the latest version of the DXP. And we have just signed an agreement with Ibexa’s sister company Qualifio, the data collection and customer engagement tool.

“In other words, we are confident about our future and the role Ibexa DXP will play in it.”

Inforca is our Partner of the Month for March.

The reference site for the collaboration between Inforca and Ibexa DXP is the web platform of the Principality of Monaco, which consolidates 43 multi-lingual sites in a single backend.

“The Government of Monaco’s websites contain a large amount of content on a wide range of subjects. It needed a solution that could adapt to a coherent and versatile design system with the capacity to rapidly roll out dedicated sites incorporating specific features to suit the full range of areas covered by Monaco’s government departments,” explains Monnier. “The simplicity of the site demonstrates the power and agility of Ibexa DXP, but also highlights Inforca’s strengths because, for many individual sites, we leveraged the functionalities of the DXP to give our customers precisely what they wanted.” 

The website of the “” platform provides users with information and practical advice in many areas: nationality, travel, employment, housing and social security via a site that requires no connection. In addition, the Principality offers several applications to navigate everyday life in Monaco (a bus pass, a bike rental app, a parking app) and each has a dedicated site on the platform. Lastly, the platform was put to good use during the COVID crisis, making it possible to host sites with heightened security and confidentiality requirements.

“The Monaco site administrators are able to build some of these simpler sites themselves, and they appreciate this because it makes them more agile in the way they roll out new applications,” says Monnier.

He cites three examples of where Inforca has amplified the functionality of Ibexa DXP. The first is for a site that publishes the assets frozen by the Principality – a list it is obliged to make available under EU[FB1]  law. “We added an API that consumes data from the DXP but displays it in a format that will be useful to the banks that need to have the most detailed and up-to-date information.”

The second example is Ibexa Form Builder, adapted by Inforca to make it dynamic for the recruitment site of the Monaca police academy. “The questions on the application form adapt to the information you have filled in already, which is a complexity that isn’t native to Ibexa DXP but was added by us.”

Finally, through an integration with the mapping and spatial analysis solution ArcGIS, the “urbaMonaco” site on the government portal is enhanced with detailed maps containing data and information from the Government’s GIS.

“Our message is: ‘If Ibexa is the right DXP for you, we can make it even better.’ This is how we want to market ourselves, and our partnership with Ibexa, as we roll out our growth strategy.”

Monnier works with only one Digital Experience Platform: Ibexa. “Because it is modular and flexible there are very few use cases that Ibexa DXP cannot satisfy, especially if you have a deep experience of the platform. 

Inforca’s target market is broader than the public sector; a recent flagship project is a portal for the construction company ENCEGO. “This once more showcases our ability to deploy Ibexa DXP to build big multisite platforms that are content-heavy with complex editorial workflows for publication.”

Both projects reinforce Inforca’s commitment to sustainability, which is not an ideal or an aspiration but hard-wired into how Monnier and his team execute projects. “Consolidating content, features, and workflows onto to single platform is a much eco-friendlier use of resources than managing a fragmented digital landscape,” Monnier explains. “But it goes deeper than that. We work economically – that is to say, sustainably – when we build these multi-layered sites. We share apps, UI design, hosting, maintenance, and so on across the different elements of a project. For Monaco, which has to answer to its citizens, this was an important KPI. But it’s also important to us that we deliver work that benefits the environment, if only in a modest way.”

Monnier is energized by the prospect of greater growth, and new opportunities both in France and abroad. “We have been an Ibexa partner since 2021, but this year marks a new phase in our collaboration,” concludes Monnier. “We are stepping up joint marketing activity to drive home the message that the combined capabilities and expertise of Ibexa and Inforca deliver great results and do so cost-effectively.

“This is our platform for growth in the coming years.” 

If you want to see how Inforca leveraged Ibexa DXP to build a multisite platform, we invite you to attend our joint webinar on the ENCEGO project which takes place on March 26. For the details and registration please click here



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